The tenth of Mahram, the day of Ashura is celebrated in the long-lost memory of Imam Hussain who was murdered in Dashte Karbala and now all the Shiaa Muslims around the world mourn that day all over the world.
Ashura In Kabul 2006
Ashura The writing on his head band is a devotion to Imam Hossein. Traditionally, men beat their chests with fists and their backs to blood with sharp blaids and chains. Ashura is an important Shia ceremony that commemorates the death of Imam Hossein, son of Ali, who was killed by the Kalif of Baghdad in Kerbela in 680 AD.
Ashura The writing on his head band is a devotion to Imam Hossein. Traditionally, men beat their chests with fists and their backs to blood with sharp blaids and chains. Ashura is an important Shia ceremony that commemorates the death of Imam Hossein, son of Ali, who was killed by the Kalif of Baghdad in Kerbela in 680 AD.
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